Kebijakan Baru Menaker Mengenai WFH Karyawan Swasta di DKI

Antara Harapan dan Kekhawatiran: Tunggu Kebijakan Baru Menaker Mengenai WFH Karyawan Swasta di DKI"

Between Hope and Concern: Await New Policy from Minister of Manpower Regarding Remote Work for Private Employees in Jakarta"

Labor Minister Ida Fauziya did not rush to issue a notice on the implementation of work-from-home (WFH) for private sector employees in the Jakarta metropolitan area. This is in responseto the worsening air pollution.

We are still discussing the issue and have not yet reached a conclusion as to whether it is theappeal, the private sector's own appeal, or the state government's appeal. But it is certainly anissue that must be overcome. When we met at the MPR/DPR building in Jakarta, Ida said, "Weare continuing to discuss options, including WFH."

Ida added that the party is still discussing the issue with businesses, labor unions, and the

provincial government. She also noted that air pollution in Jakarta is getting worse.

We have not yet reached the point of whether or not we will appeal in the form of a letter," she

said, "but it is a discourse we are continuing to discuss. But we have to find a way out, to seehow we can prevent this pollution from getting worse," she added.

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The government will then, of course, look at the latest situation and decide. As before, the

Ministry of Labor issued a notice on the implementation of WFH for employees working in

the red zone of Covid 19. If so, of course, we have not yet reached the point where we know

which jobs will become WFH pavilions and which ones will not." That is a discussion that will

have to be finalized," he said.



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